Home of Jari
My How-To Blog
[2022-09-09] My old blog relaunched. I write on nerd stuff, mostly Linux / Ubuntu. Find My How-To blog here
LaTeX codes
[2017-05-13] A pretty comprehensive list of LaTeX codes is found at List of LaTeX symbols.
New website for Mossbauer fitting program Fit;o)
[2011-02-28] The new website for Fit;o) is at www.fit-nice.eu. Please visit and spread the link, and update your bookmarks.
tvass.eu: A new website and blog for how to do stuff....
[2011-02-28] I have recently lauched a whole website (www.tvass.eu) to mirror the content of my technical blog at new blog site (myhowtodoit.blogspot.com). Please visit and spread the link.
Debian blog articles here on this page...
[2010-11-06] As earlier mentioned I have recently lauched a new blog site. I have now decided to feature the articles that I write in that blog here on this page as well.
So here is the first paper in the series on running and configuring a Debian server on a Linksys NSLU2: How to install debian on the NSLU2.
The my-how-to-do-it
[2010-10-25] I have recentely launched the my-how-to-do-it blog, where I am blogging about all sorts of technical stuff, Bebian linux, backup systems and tips and tricks. Please visit and get some inspiration or find out "how I did it" :-)
The first content on the blog is a series of article-snippets describing how to install Debian linux on the Linksys NSLU2 and to use it as home data center.
Phoenix Mars Lander lands on Mars tomorrow!
[2007-05-24] Tomorrow (sunday 25-05-08) the space probe Phoenix lands, if all goes well on the north pole on Mars. This is a very exiting landing, as the area where Phoenix is intended to land in, most likely is rich in water ice, and a large part of the investigations are related to the search for life. read more on [www.nasa.gov/phoenix] and [www.nbi.ku.dk/mars].
Articles on Phoenix: #1 videnskab.dk, #2 Ingeniøren.
Video : Video #1 - NASA TV - NASA TV Media Player
Blogs: [Dansk blog frá Tucson, Arizona] [planetary.org] [Nice! #1]
portal.fo: [Article #1]