Saturday, June 30, 2007

[fo] Ottar á Oyggjaleikunum

Ottar er íløtuni staddur á Rhodos har hann luttekur í Oyggjaleikunum 2007 í Triatlon fyri Føroyar (info). Úrslitini síggjast her.

Vit her á ynskja honum og restini av føroyska liðnum góða eydnu!

Fylg við á netinum: | Kringvarp Føroya |

Ymsar ítróttargreinar:


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

[fo] Ottar student!

Í dag fekk Ottar beiggin sín síðsta karakter (sum ikki var so galin:-) ) og fekk hann so húgvuna á høvdið.
Eg vil herfrá (sitandi í Svøríki) ynskja honum hjartaliga tillukku við húgvuni (og próvnum tá hann fær tað handað).


Sunday, June 24, 2007

[en] How to reinstall a computer

To reinstall a computer:
  1. Obtain a Windows CD, and make sure you have the licens key.
  2. Put the CD in the drive and reboot the computer.
  3. If the computer asks you to press a key, then do that, and it will the boot from the CD.
  4. If the computer does not do this, you have to enter the BIOS to change some stuff.
    • If you don't know what you are doing, then stop here! If there is a place where you have to know what you are doing, it's in the BIOS!! You can make serious damage there!! Call someone who knows stuff about computers, and ask.
    • If you do know what to do, then make the computer boot from the CD as first device, save the changes, and reboot the computer.
  5. The installation process will now start, and it may well take a while.
  6. Choos to make a new installation of Windows.
  7. When you get to the point, where you choose where to install Windows, and how, then choose the first drive (most often the correct choice), and choose to format it using NTFS, and choose the 'quick' option.
  8. Now its straight forward :-) Do as the computer asks you to.

This article also exists in Faroese.


[fo] Installera ein teldu av nýggjum

Installera ein teldu av nýggjum:
  1. Hav eina Windows fløgu, og lykilin til taks.
  2. Legg fløguna í og genstarta telduna.
  3. Um teldan biður teg trýsta á ein tast, so ger tað, so startar hon frá fløguni.
  4. Um hon ikki ger tað, so mást tú inn í BIOS at broyta okkurt.
    • Um tú ikki veit hvat tú ger, so steðga her! Er tað nakrastaðni har man skal vita hvat man ger, er tað í BIOS!! Tú kann gera óbótaligan skaða har!! Ring til onkran ið kennur okkurt til teldur og BIOS, og spyr.
    • Um tú veit hvat tú skal gera, so set telduna til at starta frá fløguni, goym broytinar, og genstarta telduna.
  5. Installationin startar nú, og tað kann taka eina góða løtu.
  6. Vel at tú skal gera eina nýggja installatión.
  7. Tá tú kemur til at skulla velja hvar Windows skal installerast og hvussu skalt tú velja hvar tað skal liggja, vel so (oftast) fyrsta diskin, og vel at hann skal formaterast í NTFS, og vel at tað skal vera "quick".
  8. Nú er tað bert straight forward :-) Fylg tí sum teldan sigur.
Hendan greinin finst eisini á enskum.


Monday, June 18, 2007

[en] The language of this blog

After having recieved comments on my choice of language as danish (here), I have reconsidered, and the official langauages have been changed to english and faroese. Hope this pleases the masses:-)

Faroese version here.


[fo] Málið á hesum blogginum

Eftir at hava móttikið viðmerkingar um valið av donskum sum høvuðsmál (her) á hesum bloggi, havi eg broytt tað til at vera enskt og føroykst. Vónandi blíðkar hetta fjøldina: -)

Enkst innlegg her.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

[en] Good advise for the computer

Below I have made a list of programs which might be helpful in various situations. I have preferrably listed free programs.

My best advise regarding the computer: Keep the following in order: [Anti-virus] - [Anti-spyware/adware] - [Firewall] - [Windows update]

Spyware/Adware - (Program which hamper the computer)

  • Spybot S&D - Removes spyware etc.
    1. Press "Update", press "Search for updates". If there are updates (are seen as a list below), then right-click on the list and choose "Select All". The press "Download Updates".
    2. Press "Immunize". If the program asks you to "... please immunize", then press the green cross o nthe top left, where it says "Immunize".
    3. Press "Search & Destroy". Press "Check for Problems". If anything was found, click on "Fix Selected Problems".
    4. That's it!
  • AD-Aware - Removes adware/spyware v.m.
  • CCleaner - Cleans away crap on your computer (unused files, entries etc.).

Avoid getting crap/sapyware/adware on your computer
  • Most people prefer to use Internet Explorer as web browser, however I would recommend Mozilla Firefox. It is faster, not as vulnerable to spyware/adware/virus and other crap. I would also recommend Mozilla Thunderbird as e-mail program/client. The advantages are the same as for Firefox.
  • Don't say 'Yes' or 'OK' when asked to install something on your computer, or to say 'Yes' or 'OK' to check your computer for virus, or to something else you are offered to install on your computer if you are browsing some webpage. Don't install any searchbar 'searchbar' that you are offered. And if you by accident install something, make sure to remove it as soon as possible.

This page is also available in Faroese.


[en] Media players/tools

Just to add a little piece on some media players/utils:
  • As a free DVD -player I recommend AVS DVD. It's free and without any adware.
  • As general media player I use WinAmp, nice, light, elegant etc (download the free light version).
  • As a ripping tool I use FreeRip. BUT BEVARE: It comes with some adware, so be carefull during installation.
This article is also available in Faroese.


[fo] Mediu spælarar/amboð

Bert fyri at skriva okkurt stutt um mediu spælarar/amboð:

  • Ein fríður DVD -spælari ið eg kann viðmæla er AVS DVD. Fríður og uttan adware.
  • Sum generellan avspælara brúki eg WinAmp, penur, lættur, elegantur osfr.(heinta "light versiónina).
  • At rippa fløgur við brúki eg FreeRip. [ADWARE-ÁVARING]: Har er adware(reklamur við) við, so ansi eftir at velja tað frá undir installationini. [NB] : Ansi eftir bert at rippa lógligt.
Hetta inleggið finst eisini á enskum.


Friday, June 1, 2007

[dk] Velkommen til min blog

Velkommen til min blog. Jeg har besluttet at skifte sproget til dansk, da det har flere potentielle læsere. Derfor vil langt de fleste indlæg herefter være på dansk. Jeg har belsluttet at lade mine gamle indlæg ligge, da der er folk der læser og bruger dem.

nyd det! Jari
